Get ready to ditch the digestive drama and make way for the body that works for you and with you.
The Mindfulness Maven
you are...
A Serenely Centered &
Free-Feeling INTEGRATOR of Head & Heart
lady, being here shows...
You’ve got got focus and discipline to transform your health amidst life’s many pressures!
You fully get what’s at stake if your gut health continues on the path it’s currently on. And you’ve got some special powers to unleash and fuel your gut healing journey.
Right now, you might not feel like the Mindfulness Maven that you already ARE deep down inside. But you will! You’ve got what it takes to transform into the person your gut needs you to be so you can feel amazing and unleash even more of your gifts into the world. And I can’t wait to show you the way!
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
- Albert Einstein

Your meticulous attention to detail and unwavering discipline have earned you a reputation as the go-to person for getting things done. As a high achiever, you strive for excellence in every aspect of your life. But lately, your perfectionist tendencies have taken over, and your rigid control over your diet has left you feeling more stressed and disconnected than ever.
You’re deploying your exceptional analytical skills toward obsessively researching every possible cause of your bloating and gas, spending hours online each day instead of engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
When you do try to have some fun out at a meal with friends or family, you are distracted from truly connecting as you critically analyze every ingredient and feel anxious about what to choose.
More and more, you find yourself avoiding social situations altogether, fearing that you won't be able to control what's on the menu or that your symptoms will flare up unexpectedly.
At work, your once laser-sharp focus is now clouded by worries. You find yourself spending more time researching the latest dietary trends than tackling those important projects that used to ignite your passion.
Your thoroughness has helped you create the "perfect" meal plan, but you find yourself feeling anxious and stressed when you can't stick to it exactly, worrying that even the slightest deviation will trigger your digestive symptoms.
now, my friend... are you ready to see
what’s possible with a few small shifts?
✨You view food with a sense of ease and freedom, trusting your body's innate wisdom to guide your choices, rather than rigid rules and restrictions.
✨You feel calm and at-ease and have more time to do your favorite activities and connect with family and friends.
✨You board a plane for that long-desired international adventure where you immerse yourself in new cultures, cuisines, and experiences, savoring every moment of freedom and relaxation without the burden of overanalyzing each ingredient and digestive worries.
✨This new reality is within your reach.✨

Because, deep down you’ll be darned if you’ll continue to let the stress and worry get in the way. You’re ready to master your mind. The thriving life you crave and deserve is waiting.
You’re organized and super disciplined. You dot every i and cross every t with determination and patience that others admire.
You name it and you’ve tried it… paleo, autoimmune paleo, keto, carnivore, elimination upon elimination, low FODMAP. In fact, you perfected it to the tee. You’re a diva when it comes to execution.
You created the meal plans, purged the kitchen, inspected every ingredient list, tracked every morsel.
Yet, despite the flawless execution, you’re left with, at best, temporary results, and sometimes no change at all.
You feel deflated, stressed, and anxious. You wonder what you’re doing wrong.
But you shun these feelings and emotions. They only get in the way of results. The persistent, take-charge part of you believes you can succeed if you just get more organized and remove a few more foods.
After repeating this cycle over and over, you acknowledge something is missing. Yup, you’re a smart cookie. A voice inside you calls BS on it all being about controlling the food you eat.
You’re curious about this “mind-gut” connection you’ve heard people talking about and are down to ditch the endless, restrictive diets. Ready to make your mindset masterplan, you get out your calendar to jot in times to meditate.
My dear friend, why don’t you close that calendar for a moment. Your challenge is to take a big step back, take a few long, slow breaths, and give yourself permission to connect with yourself and surrender a bit of control.
Your positive traits have taken you far in life, but taken too far, are a double-edged sword.
Your logical mind, in all of its brilliance, believes that all you need is more thinking, doing, and controlling to fix your gut.
Along the way, how you feel and what you want, got lost.
The most important thing is to understand that your beautiful brain can work in tandem with your heart and your gut to turbocharge your health and success.
The thought of letting go of control and letting in feelings probably twists your stomach into knots. See, your gut feels that emotion.
That’s because no matter how hard you try, you cannot separate your gut from your feelings and emotions. Even when you ignore them or try to bury them, they’re always there. And they’re always communicating directly with your gut.
Once you get this, you change your entire physiology and attract more healing than you ever could in restriction and emotional-avoidance mode.
The good news is that once you direct your capabilities of deep insight and understanding toward yourself, you can merge your inner self-knowledge with your driven, super organized, logical superwoman self and create your healthiest gut ever.
Let’s leverage your natural assets to create your best, vibrant, and energized life!
The Mindfulness Maven At-A-Glance
Your incredible drive and discipline have brought you this far, but the next level of healing lies in connecting with your emotions and nurturing your mind-gut connection.
Your Journey Motto
“Your body holds deep wisdom. Learn to listen.”
– Unknown
You are gifted with an abundance of amazing qualities, but you also might struggle with certain things more than others.
Here are some insights ⬇️ to take with you on your journey… lean into your trailblazing traits and be mindful of your detour dangers.
🌟Your superpower lies in your unwavering focus and discipline. You have an incredible ability to gather information, create detailed plans, and execute them flawlessly.
🌟Your friends marvel at your discipline and often seek your advice on how to stay organized and on track.
🌟Your laser-sharp mind and organizational skills make you a force to be reckoned with. You're the go-to person for getting things done efficiently and effectively.
⚠️Your perfectionist tendencies can sometimes lead you down the path of excessive control and rigidity.
⚠️Your logical mind may tempt you to suppress or ignore your emotions, seeing them as obstacles to your goals.
⚠️In your pursuit of the perfect diet, you may find yourself constantly jumping from one trend to another, never fully satisfied with the results.
Give yourself permission to step back, take a deep breath, and surrender a bit of control. Trust that your feelings are not weaknesses, but rather valuable guides on your path to well-being.
By merging your logical brilliance with your inner wisdom, you'll create a transformative synergy that will propel your gut health to new heights. Embrace the journey, trust the process, and watch as your healthiest, most vibrant self emerges.
The truth is, no quiz can ever fully capture all the nuances and complexities that make you the unique, remarkable person you are. Your gut health journey is influenced by a wide range of factors, including your life experiences, environment, and individual physiology.
If this result doesn't feel quite right for you, I encourage you to explore the other personas to see if they offer additional insights or strategies that align with your needs:
No matter what, you are the captain of your own ship, and this quiz is simply a compass to help guide you towards the vibrant, healthy life you deserve.
are you ready for your next step?

Your Mind-Gut Resilience Roadmap
My friend, you’re more of a thinker and planner than a feeler and dreamer - but every good plan needs to be anchored in a deep understanding of self and flexibility.
Your best plan ensures you establish boundaries to prioritize self-care, ditch the self-doubt, and get into action.
Your roadmap walks you through the 4-step framework a Mindfulness Maven like you needs to create real, lasting change.
So hold on tight, this is where your Maven lifts off!

Every successful journey is fueled by a big “why.”
So, let’s take some time to discover what’s most important to you.
My friend, I am talking about what you deep-down-inside want. Not the on-the-surface, what-others-want-for-you kind of life. Not the what-you-think-you-should-want kind of life.
Drop alllll the "shoulds".
Let your analytical side float away. Let go of any thoughts that come about how or when or whether you can achieve it or not.
Think into your future… maybe 1 year from now, or 5 years from now. You choose.
Without constraints, what would freedom feel and look like for you?
What specific aspects of your life-to-the-fullest, currently hindered by your gut, fill you with longing and awe?
Really bring out the details by embodying what your future feels like. Name how you feel when you’re living this life, looking the way you do, doing all the things that you crave, long for, and secretly daydream about!
Get precise here so you can build a bridge to the version of you that feels free, confident, and unstoppable from the inside out!
With this imprint in your mind, it’s good to express it in some concrete way - write it down, create a vision board… whatever floats your boat.
When life throws you a curveball, you’ll come back to this anchor and be able to stay the course.
Now, let's start mapping a route to reach that vision!

Now that you have the vision—it’s time to get real about what’s been standing in your way to living your best life. (Psst: Do I hear Taylor Swift singing “I’m the problem, it’s me”?)
Your thoughts are super powerful. Whatever you spend the most time thinking about determines your ingrained beliefs and ultimately your reality. All the cells (and inner ecosystem microbes) in your body respond to what your mind believes is true.
Without realizing it, Mavens like you carry some major patterns of thinking that can either make or break your healing success.
Thoughts like…
"I just need to perfectly plan everything I eat and then I'll fix this."
“I don’t have time to rest - success comes from hard work.”
"Emotions get in the way - thinking and action is all that matters.”
"If I work hard enough I can and should control this."
“Nothing I’ve tried seems to work. My body is broken.”
Does any of that sound familiar??

Let me acknowledge straight up that digestive problems themselves exacerbate cycles of mental anguish and health anxiety. When you feel recurring symptoms seemingly out of your control that have no resolution despite your best efforts, it directly fuels doubt, fear, confusion and self-criticism.
These thought patterns are so deep-rooted, like a part of who you are - but they started as unconscious self-protection mechanisms. Your inner critic, perfectionist, avoider, and controller selves all try to defend against distress in the only ways they know how.
While their aim is to shield you, their tactics can backfire over time by blocking your path ahead.
Thankfully, you can shift your thoughts and beliefs. When you truly believe you can heal, your body will almost always respond to this belief.
Here’s my 3-pronged approach to transforming sabotaging beliefs that are not in service to your gut and health goals:
Create awareness of the thoughts. You might not even realize these voices are there or know the damage they are causing. The first step is to be aware of them in the first place, which comes with being more present in each moment.
Acknowledge the thoughts. Thank the thought for trying to keep you safe. Without judgment or blame, understand the thought is not true and it is separate from you. Take a few slow breaths and let the thoughts go.
Invite new thoughts. You could start by thanking your body and gut for all it does to serve you each day.
Now you’ve got some simple steps to build a healing mindset that nourishes your gut. You’ll want to refer back to this often, as busting through those pesky, unhelpful looping thoughts require intentional and repeated practice. It requires dropping into your body and training your brain muscles much like you do your leg, arm, or core muscles.

A big pitfall with Mavens is skipping straight to this step, bypassing the self-awareness and visioning, believing that the perfectly crafted plan, flawlessly executed is all you need.
You don’t need a color coded, rigid plan, to nix yet another food group from your diet, or to follow what worked for your coworker or that Insta health guru you follow. What you need is more of the trueness and authenticity that only YOU can bring to this trek.
You’ve got your “why” in focus and your mind turning inward and rewired. Now, you’re ready to take true-to-you action!
Let’s begin by sprinkling in a few key ingredients to create the results magic you’re after: Self-awareness, Patience, and Reflection. Use these as your guiding lights.
🌟Self-awareness: Consider this your numero uno companion on your journey. Keep connected to how you feel, your thoughts, and trust in your incredible body as your master guide. Harness this superpower that uniquely serves you and shines a light toward your best path.
🌟Patience: Let your inner explorer shine and focus on the journey not the destination. Get excited to "see what happens" knowing that learning something isn’t a fit for you is NOT a failure. That’s actually a gem my friend! Trekking back when you’ve realized one path is not the one for you gives you many gifts. Soak up the scenery, the smells, and all the vibes along the path you’re testing out without a stop-watch or a timetable. Just like there’s no “one” solution in your pathfinder story, there’s no “one” timeframe.
🌟Reflection: Be curious and fascinated in every step you take. Track and document your journey like a cartographer so you feel confident where you’re at and comfortable taking detours. Use all available information - quantitative and qualitative - to chart your next step. Take time to sit under a beautiful tree and ponder. Be thankful for what you discovered and feel grounded in your next steps.
Relish in the beautiful ride knowing that everything discovered leads you closer to thriving. Mapping your first steps is next… remember even the smallest action counts. Enjoy!

Now that you have a first action step or two, you’re likely already on your way. You’re used to doing this on your own so thinking about what resources - people or things - might help you is likely not on your radar.
Psst… You were not meant to walk this road alone. Do not skip this step just because you’re very capable of doing a lot on your own. Consider this permission to place an order for help without an ounce of guilt!
What does accountability look like for you?
What supports do you have to lean on along the way?
It might look like regular check-ins to help you reset and slow down in times when your relentless striver spins you out of control or you think about further restricting your diet again and consider veering off course.
It might be filling out a daily journal, thinking of tracking metrics that you usually wouldn’t think of, or trying a new tool or app that keeps you motivated and on track.
It might be a trusted friend, a coworker, a family member, a group or community, or a coach.
Whatever it is and whomever it involves, be sure you feel secure and open to be yourself. Hot tip: be sure it always includes some celebration of yourself and your progress.
Remember, even exploring Mavens need assistance picking up provisions and traversing rough terrain. Be open to some help to magnify and accelerate your results!
Now that we’ve covered the process steps, I'm so excited to share the #1 travel buddy you must consider on your gut health journey! Let's dive in...

Your #1 Travel Companions
My friend, you can't traverse all the new vistas you’ve just planned without provisions that nourish your inner Maven! Let's map out essential items to bring along.
But before we dive in... have you met your trusted travel companions? You may or may not be familiar with these life-force giving friends of yours, so let me introduce you!
Maven, meet your gut microbes (aka gut microbiota).
Gut microbes, meet Maven.
Although you can’t see them, they are the most essential aspect of your gut and whole-body health. Believe it or not, they make up between 1-2 kg of you (yes really!). These tiny creatures are the superstar behind good immune function, healthy digestion, motility, gut lining integrity, nutritional status, metabolic function, mood, energy, hormone health, aging, and more!
To keep your gut microbes as your best friends, and not your worst enemy, you want to do two key things...
#1 - Pay attention to your thoughts, how they make you feel, and how they relate to your gut symptoms.
Our gut microbes and our brains are connected via a super bidirectional-highway called the vagus nerve. Unmanaged stress and unruly thoughts and emotions, whether you acknowledge them or not, disrupt the harmony between your gut microbes, gut, and brain and lead to many of your symptoms like irregular bowel movements, discomfort, and food sensitivities.
Your good gut microbes are with you and feel what you feel. They don’t thrive when you’re stressed out, overworking, overthinking, and ruminating over negative thoughts.
Your gut and good gut microbes particularly like it when you’re regulating your emotions well and feel calm and relaxed. You can boost your good gut microbes by incorporating mindset and stress management practices and tools into your daily routine to keep your mind fit and gut at ease.
#2 - Feed your gut microbes right.
Sadly, many of us don’t feed our tiniest friends properly.
Our good gut microbes LOVE to munch on a diverse offering of plants… aka fiber, polyphenols, and fermented foods.
Our beneficial gut buddies don’t much like highly processed, refined, and high sugar foods with harmful ingredients like preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial sweeteners. Leave these at home (or better yet on the supermarket shelf).
While there are other things that boost your good gut microbes like device-free moments (especially at mealtimes) and restful sleep, it’s super important you don't forget to pack nourishing food for our good travel companions.
The key to avoid overwhelm is to start from where you’re at right now and what you’d be excited to try.
Use the 4 process steps to create an appropriate action step for yourself, aiming to start with maybe 1-2 experiments, start small, take it slow, and go from there.

Curious to dive deeper into how your thoughts and beliefs are sabotaging your gut health?
You likely have a few louder voices in your head holding you back, generating stress, blocking healthy habit formation, and wreaking havoc on your gut. Be on the lookout for an email from me about more resources that can help you gain a deeper understanding of exactly how your mind thinks, feels, and responds to life’s everyday challenges. With even greater awareness, you can strengthen your mind-gut connection and increase your potential for health, happiness, and impact. All the things you’re after!
We may be nearing the end of your results, but this is just the beginning of your growth as the empowered captain of your gut health moving closer and closer toward the freedom and ease you crave.
In taking this quiz, you already started creating your own freedom. Soon, you’ll find that you’re living the life you want to live, on your own terms.
Hi, I'm April
I’m glad that we’ve crossed paths so I can help you get the clarity and confidence you’re after.
I’m April Kelley, a nutrition practitioner (M.S. Human Nutrition) and board-certified health coach (NBC-HWC) specializing in helping women struggling with digestive distress restore their gut function and reclaim freedom through practical, research-informed, nutrition and lifestyle frameworks rooted in functional medicine and gut-microbiome science.
I’m all about systems over symptoms and love to help others by simplifying complex topics into understandable, do-able steps.
I love empowering clients to confidently enjoy eating the rainbow of nourishing foods again, travel freely, and fully participate in life without debilitating pain, embarrassment, or urgency wrecking their days.
I’m honored to guide you to get to this place. I can’t wait to see what mind-gut magic unfolds for you!

Take action on one aspect of Your Mind-Gut Resilience Roadmap listed above.
Get the support and accountability you need today… Join our Facebook Community!
→ This is a judgment-free, safe space full of encouragement and accountability!
→ Introduce yourself, I can’t wait to meet you!
→ Feel free to share anything that feels inspiring… maybe it’s your Mind-Gut Persona quiz results and what you learned about yourself or the next step you plan to take (I’m keen to hear!)
Be on the lookout for an email from yours truly (April Kelley) where I’ll share even more ideas to bring out your Goddess and rebalance your gut.
Jump on that curiosity burning inside and discover more about how to create a resilient gut for good… sign up for The Better BM Masterclass.
Truly, I hope you’re loving your quiz results. They’re just the beginning of your path toward healing and thriving.
Talk soon,
P.S. Have a friend or family member who could benefit from the quiz? Do them a BIG favor and share the quiz with them!
Here’s the link for your copy and pasting pleasure: